9. 我如何能遠端存取電腦?

1. RDP 連線。

The terminal computer access will work correctly only when TS is unblocked, i.e. the local user is not disabled when the login is remote. * The personal profile for RDP connection must have a password (RDP connection peculiarity)

2. 使用 RAdmin, TeamViewer, UltraVNC, 等之類的遠端遙控軟體連線。

Remote access programs working in the utility mode and/or using the mirror-driver cannot be used for connecting to extra working stations in ASTER. In order to get the possibility of remote control of all working stations one has to use administration programs which can run as custom applications, and not as utilities, in other words several copies can work simultaneously.

The situation is as follows when we are talking about a particular program: Radmin is truly single-user software which can work only with the first working station in ASTER.

*For x64 systems extra settings are required for proper operation. (The case when the mirror-driver is displayed in the ASTER control panel).

In the ASTER control panel in the Video tab the monitors should be assigned to the working stations in the usual manner and the working station number should be erased for the mirror-driver. After applying these settings you must find parameter in the Registry editor. There could be several such parameters, but one of them will have the value 0xffffffff (4294967295). Set this parameter to 0 and reboot your computer. After this Radmin should start working again.

TeamViewer works properly in all working stations. You should by no means install the HOST version. It might also be started without installing. The drawback is the impossibility of connecting to several working stations simultaneously. If you run it in several working stations you will be able to connect only to the last launched client TeamViewer.

UltraVNC and similar software allows connecting to working stations independently. However, a further setting of the software might be required in order to be able to use different ports / connection screens, as well as ASTER setting for the application of different IP-аddresses.

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