2. 如何執行應用程式串流在 2 個額外的工作站

Simultaneous start-up of the application Steam two or more times is possible using a special program (so called “sandbox”). There are several programs of this type including embedded in antivirus. Launching was tested by means of the program Sandboxie. Upon its installation in the shortcut context menu appears the menu item “Launch in sandbox”. In the free version you can use only one sandbox at a time, however this is enough to start two copies of the Steam. For example, on the first work place we start the Steam in the usual fashion, and on the second in the sandbox. As a result, we get one copy of the Steam client on each work place (for each copy its own Steam account is required). In that manner you can also launch certain applications/games which don’t directly support the start-up of several their copies.

When problems appear, especially with online games, when you run Steam, in Sandboxie you should check the box “Run as UAC Administrator” . Game “Dota2” can serve as an example. Here you cannot start searching for the game while the players from Aster workstations are united in one group.

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